3D Art
 2D Art


I'm a programmer, 2D/3D-artist and (at work) a layouter/graphics designer. My ambition is to create fun and challenging games with wonderful art, design and technology.

This website serves mostly as a dumping ground for gifs and images from various projects of mine, and maybe a few posts about various programming/gamedev-topics.

Enjoy your stay!

P.S. I'm looking for work. Hire me!

Kristoffer (a.k.a. Nopy)


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Cart Racer Mockup

HTML5 Canvas 3D-Rendering Test, no gameplay or anything like that.

Would be cool to re-use this tech to display some of my other 3D-models on this site. When I find the time.

Click to run demo in your browser

Skybox Generator

A few words about ray-traced landscapes and skyboxes, and how they're used in my retro game project.

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TIC-80 Demos

I've made some tech demos for TIC-80, the Fantasy Console.

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Low-poly Characters

Modelling, texturing, rigging and animation and character control code.

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Free list

It's not upside down Breakout. It's visualized memory allocation and deletion for game objects of random sizes (even though they're all "circles"). Orange means free.

Blender Creations

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JS13K 2018

WebGL Racing Game in 13 kilobytes

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GJK Shenanigans

TODO: write about it.

2D Rigid Body simulation in JavaScript

JS13K 2015

Combat flight game rendered using custorm rasterizer on a HTML5 Canvas.

To the JS13K page

A minesweeper clone I had fun making and playing.

Flight Sim

Each wing/surface is part of the equation that forms the flight characteristics of the airplane as a whole. Coded in C.


Game made with Java and OpenGL for a game jam in 2014

Click to visit game page on itch.io

China Tunneling

Simple 2D Action Game made with C++ and OpenGL for a game jam in 2015.

Click to visit game page on itch.io

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